Friday, February 24, 2006

the most awful movie...ever

So tonight, my good friend Megan had free passes to a sneak preview of "Failure to Launch". Megan, her sister Paula, Greg and I went. We had a good dinner at Rockne's (they serve Diet Dr. Pepper, woohoo) before, then we went to the AMC Theater at Chapel Hill. If there was ever a theater that needed a remodel, it's the one. The seats are old and uncomfortable, no stadium seating, no surround sound, and there was a certain odor to the air. I don't know, I would think that with theaters all struggling to make money, they would try to update the setting and make them more comfortable.
But back to the movie...It stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew McConaughey, Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw. Yes, Terry Bradshaw....former NFL player, and not a good actor at all. Well, to be completely honest all of the acting was bad. The jokes fell flat, and the story was very predictable. And the multiple Terry Bradshaw nude scenes are now burned into my memory. Not a pretty sight... This movie is not even worth renting. Save your money, save your time, save your self. Run very far from any theater showing this film.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so touched to finally make your blog. However, I am extremely sorry for dragging you to that horrific movie.

5:17 PM  
Blogger michael said...

That's ok, it was fun to spend time with you. And to be honest it was so bad, that it was kinda funny.

5:31 AM  

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