time to make a difference

Once again, President Bush is saying that the relationship that Greg and I share is not of value. And that he intends, for the first time in our nation's history, to write discrimination into the United States Constitution. Please tell him and your senator that that's just not right. I received this e-mail from the President of the Human Rights Campaign. My hope is that you will join Greg and me in opposing this divisive measure. Please take a moment this weekend or on Monday to call your senator.
This is it. With President Bush slated to speak from the Rose Garden about the "need" for the Federal Marriage Amendment and with debate starting in the Senate on the same day, we are truly in the final moments of a critical time for equality.
In an attempt to placate his extremist base, the President is making a rare Rose Garden appearance Monday. Anti-gay groups like the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family whined when the only voices coming out of the administration were the First Lady saying the amendment shouldn't be used as a political tool and Mary Cheney reiterating her father's opposition to the amendment. So, of course, President Bush is answering their call.
We're answering back. On Monday, we'll be on the airwaves and on the Hill. We'll be delivering more than 250,000 postcards to the Capitol making it clear that the Constitution should not be used as a political weapon. We'll be gathering a group of hard-working Americans to talk to the media about how Congress should be focused on finding answers to their challenges, not putting discrimination in the Constitution. And we'll be in the halls of Congress, working with Senators and their staff to deliver the best messages on the Senate floor.
And momentum is on our side. This week alone, the USA Today and the New York Times joined last week's Washington Post in publishing editorials against the amendment. Among other major outlets, the Associated Press, CNN and Good Morning America all ran stories on the fight. Over the weekend, expect to see more press - and more opinion leaders pointing out that this is purely a political ploy, and a discriminatory one at that. I'll be on Fox News' Weekend Live with Brian Wilson on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. (EST) making that point when I go up against Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council.
Yesterday on MSNBC, Newsweek's Howard Fineman said
President Bush has used anti-marriage equality rhetoric too many times and he's at a "stage of diminishing returns."I think Howard Fineman is right. Anybody supporting this amendment now is out-of-step with the American people.
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't flood our Senators' phones with calls. The vote could happen as soon as Tuesday, but debate may stretch it out to the following morning. Call every day until the vote: 202-224-3121. And call the White House while you're at it: 202-456-1111.
It's going to be a busy week next week. A big thanks to all of you who took action and encouraged your friends and family to join you. Your voices are key to this fight - don't stop making them heard!
Joe Solmonese
President, Human Rights Campaign
Vote No!
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