no rules, just wretch

Greg and I went to dinner at a certain australian themed steak house Friday night. Saturday morning we were feeling the pain. We both woke up with severe stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting. At dinner we both had had salads with blue cheese dressing and chicken breasts.
By mid afternoon, my stomach pain was unbearable. Our friend Michele came over and took us to an urgent care medical center. I don't like doctors. So it was a big deal that I wanted to see one. The doctor was pretty sure I had food poisoning and gave me a shot in the bum-bum and sent me home with three prescriptions. I slept most of the rest of yesterday and a good portion of today. Right now, I'm feeling much better. Greg's tummy is still making quite a few grumbly sounds. It's safe to say we won't be making a trip back to this restaurant any time soon.
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