back in charleston

Well we arrived back in Charleston, SC last night. After checking in to the hotel, we went on a Sonic Drive In search. We don’t have any back in our part of Ohio, so ‘its always a treat when we can find one on the road. In the dark we got lost and couldn’t find it. We did, however, come across a Whole Foods Market. It’s like the best grocery store in the world! They just put one in Columbus. It’s fabulous. Anywho, we bought some drinks, pizza and past salad and headed back to the hotel for the night.
This morning we finally tracked down the Sonic Drive In. Did I mention, how much our good friend Megan loves “the Sonic?” Well she does, and it’s great fun to call her while you are enjoying the experience. I text messenged her about how good it was. She responded with a simple one-word reply...Evil. It’s true.
After breakfast we strolled through Downtown Charleston. It is so beautiful. There are shops and galleries everywhere. And the southern ladies with the big hair...priceless. Yeah, and I think I’m starting to annoy Greg with my newly found southern accent. I was born in North Carolina, so I think it has always been in me. Just repressed during my 33 years as a yankee.
For lunch we stopped at Jestine’s Kitchen. Our friends Tom and Brett recommended it. Also my favorite, Rachel Ray stopped there for a $40 Dollars a Day episode. It was really good. We got there right as it opened, and it didn’t take long for it to full up. We started with fried green tomatoes (yummy), then we both had pecan crusted chicken (sooo good). After that it was back to more strolling through the city and a stop at Starbucks for my favorite warm weather beverage...the passion tea lemonade. Refreshing!
So tomorrow morning we head back home. I hear that it’s chilly and back in the 30’s. That’s ok...this vacation has my batteries recharged and ready to handle the day-to-day grind again.
How are you guys keeping my orange cream slush from Sonic cold? I am assuming you bought a cooler right?
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