Tuesday, February 28, 2006

happy birthday greg

Today is Greg's 34th birthday. He was nearly a leap year baby. If he had been, I guess technically I would be robbing the cradle. But alas, he was not and still remains older than me. In honor of this special day, I thought that I would list some words that describe my friend, my partner, my true love:
comforting, compassionate, loving, intelligent, thoughtful, honest, considerate, handsome, funny, clever, adorable, huggable, remarkable, insightful, responsible, hard-working. There are so many more words that describe this incredible man. Feel free to add your own by commenting on this blog.
We are all so fortunate to have Greg in our lives. Through his example every day, he makes me want to be a better more thoughtful and caring person. For this, and for so many other reasons, I'm glad that he has chosen to spend his life with me. We may not be able to marry, but our bond is just as strong as those who are permitted to. Years from now, I hope that people will understand the true discrimination of not allowing two adults the honor, privilege and benefit of marriage.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

my nascar problem

Ok, so I understand that there are a great number of people who enjoy NASCAR. I don't get it, but perhaps my brain just can't wrap its self around a "sport" where guys drive around in an oval all afternoon. Not my cup of tea, but it may be your glass of mountain dew, and that's fine. Really, it is. Enjoy.
Here's my problem with NASCAR... It's all the fans with the NASCAR "art" on their bumpers and rear windshields. You'd think these would be the drivers with a "need for speed." In most cases you'd be wrong. It's my experience that these folks are the slowest, most timmid, drivers on the road. And for some reason (maybe God is a NASCAR fan) they are always in front of me.
I don't know, maybe I'd give NASCAR a chance if Tony Stewart were related to
Martha. Yeah, I probably still wouldn't.

this weeks pirate joke

Q. What's a pirates favorite type of government that involves a privileged minority or upper class, usually of inherited wealth and social position?

A. An ARRRRRistocracy.

coffee and friends

Schedules have been tough lately. My friends and I have been working lots of hours. I guess that's the thing you do in your early 30's. Work, work, and work. That's why I was glad to have the chance to share some of my morning with my good friend Michele. The three of us made a mad dash to Starbucks this morning before I had to go into work. While I'm at work Greg and Michele are going to do some shopping in the Beechwood area. I'm just saying that if one of them comes back with something for me from Smith & Hawken, I wouldn't be upset... Oh yeah, that's Greg and Michele in the photo. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

a workout

I went to the gym today. Nough said.

Friday, February 24, 2006

the most awful movie...ever

So tonight, my good friend Megan had free passes to a sneak preview of "Failure to Launch". Megan, her sister Paula, Greg and I went. We had a good dinner at Rockne's (they serve Diet Dr. Pepper, woohoo) before, then we went to the AMC Theater at Chapel Hill. If there was ever a theater that needed a remodel, it's the one. The seats are old and uncomfortable, no stadium seating, no surround sound, and there was a certain odor to the air. I don't know, I would think that with theaters all struggling to make money, they would try to update the setting and make them more comfortable.
But back to the movie...It stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew McConaughey, Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw. Yes, Terry Bradshaw....former NFL player, and not a good actor at all. Well, to be completely honest all of the acting was bad. The jokes fell flat, and the story was very predictable. And the multiple Terry Bradshaw nude scenes are now burned into my memory. Not a pretty sight... This movie is not even worth renting. Save your money, save your time, save your self. Run very far from any theater showing this film.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

me and my sister

Here's a picture of me when I was three or four years old with my sister Julie. I can't believe that I used to have a full head of hair. And wow, what style with that plaid print.

a perfect combo

...and no, I'm not talking about the tasty snack where they combine fake nacho cheese and pretzels. I'm talking about the remix of Madonna's new single "Sorry". It's the "Sorry (PSB Maxi-Mix)" featuring the Pet Shop Boys. Words can't express the joy it creates for the ears. I mean, Madonna and the Pet Shop Boys, together, in one song. Happy day! It's availble for download on iTunes. Sooooo good.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

this weeks pirate joke :)

Q. What's a pirates favorite brand of bottled water?

A. Deer Paaaaarrrrrrk.

the "beyond"

Ever wondered what the "beyond" in Bed Bath & Beyond was all about? The secret is now revealed in the new Adam Sandler flick Click. Click here to see the Click trailer. I'm not a big Adam Sandler fan...i liked Punch Drunk Love but everything else is so so. Click also stars....are you ready for this...famed actor/singer David Hasselhoff...so how bad could it be? Pretty bad, probably.

another weekend @ work

Today....The 7th day in a row that I've worked. 10 hours today, another 8 hours tomorrow. My next day off is next Saturday, then back to work again on Sunday. I've worked nearly 60 hours this week. I can't wait for my assistant to be hired. It will be nice to see what a more normal (or even slightly more normal) work week can be. I'm just so tired.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cheney's Got a Gun

"Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a man during a quail hunt ... making 78-year-old Harry Whittington the first person shot by a sitting veep since Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, of course, (was) shot in a duel with Aaron Burr over issues of honor, integrity and political maneuvering. Whittington? Mistaken for a bird."

- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 2/13/2006

Monday, February 13, 2006

Weekend Movie Rental Recap

**** In Her Shoes
*** Elizabethtown
**** Corpse Bride
**** The Constant Gardener

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Me and Greg at the Munroe Falls Metro Park

Songs in heavy rotation on my iPod

Forever Lost - The Magic Numbers
Dare - Gorillaz
One - Mary J. Blige & U2 (a great update on a classic tune)
Love & Memories - O.A.R.
Hangin' on the Line - The Ladybug Transistor

H.B. 515 would ban adoption by gay Ohioans

I came across this news today...Just when I thought that gays and lesbians couldn't be treated worse in our state... I hope that you will help fight this bill.

A mean-spirited bill to ban lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Ohioans from adopting or fostering children was introduced into the Ohio House of Representatives yesterday.
Make no mistake: this is the next big test for Ohio's LGBT and straight allied community. We knew it was coming, and we've been getting ready. For the past six months, Equality Ohio has been working closely with local, state, and national organizations to coordinate the defeat of this bill. Extreme anti-equality groups are using this brand of divisive legislation in other key states. It is a tired political tactic, and it hurts children and families. With your help, we're going to make sure Ohio's citizens know that.
We must spread the word so everyone who believes in equality can all work together, as a community, to defeat this hateful legislation.
Equality Ohio's stand:
The best interest of each child should be paramount when screening potential adoptive or foster parents;
The determination of what is in the best interest of the child should be left in the hands of qualified medical and legal authorities. Case workers, local agencies, and family court judges are the experts who know the child and the prospective parents.
There is no child-welfare basis for banning gay parenting. Professional organizations that advocate for the health and welfare of children support gay adoption and foster parenting.
A ban on an entire category of potential parents shrinks an already small pool of adoptive and foster parents. The result: children will have to wait even longer for a permanent home.
A ban against a broad category of Ohioans from adoption or foster parenting serves no valid purpose. It is simply an act of discrimination with no basis in fact or law.
Sexual identity and expression have nothing to do with raising healthy and productive children.Gay parents are just as capable as heterosexual parents.The research on this is abundant and clear.

Cool tshirt design available from Rubber City Clothing Co. Posted by Picasa

Welcome to my blog

Well, here I go. Thought I would start a blog to have a creative outlet to express myself. Could be boring, could be fun. Guess we'll all just have to wait and see. Hope you'll stay tuned.