happy birthday greg

Today is Greg's 34th birthday. He was nearly a leap year baby. If he had been, I guess technically I would be robbing the cradle. But alas, he was not and still remains older than me. In honor of this special day, I thought that I would list some words that describe my friend, my partner, my true love:
comforting, compassionate, loving, intelligent, thoughtful, honest, considerate, handsome, funny, clever, adorable, huggable, remarkable, insightful, responsible, hard-working. There are so many more words that describe this incredible man. Feel free to add your own by commenting on this blog.
We are all so fortunate to have Greg in our lives. Through his example every day, he makes me want to be a better more thoughtful and caring person. For this, and for so many other reasons, I'm glad that he has chosen to spend his life with me. We may not be able to marry, but our bond is just as strong as those who are permitted to. Years from now, I hope that people will understand the true discrimination of not allowing two adults the honor, privilege and benefit of marriage.