in good company

As I am reading this week's Entertainment Weekly, I come across an interview with news-hottie Anderson Cooper. I wouldn't have imagined that I had much in common with good-ole-Andy until I read the part about his "guilty pleasures."
"I TiVo a lot of shows on MTV - stuff like My Super Sweet 16 that's jaw-dropping and mind-numbing -- and I'll watch it on weekends. Now I like Tiara Girls. Oh, my god. On the second season of Super Sweet 16, all the really horrible girls had seen the first season and were trying to top them in horribleness. On Tiara Girls, there's a fresh level of horror."
I love that it's just not me that enjoys this very special kind of trashy television programming. And I wonder if Andy screams in a very special voice, "Sweet Sixteen, " each and every time the show goes to commerial break? Oh, I suppose only some sort of weirdo would do something like that...