game night

Anywho, with 8 people at the gathering, we decided to form four teams of two based on where people were seated around the coffee table. (At this point I would like to take a moment to talk about how much I love our new coffee table. We got it in early December. It's much larger than our last one, and fits in the pit of our sectional perfectly. As far as I'm concerned, its the perfect board game setting.) Back to the game... Here are the teams: Greg & Paula, Megan & Alison, Jennie & Ryan, and Me and Michele. Well the game was a lot of fun. It's really amazing the amount of useless trivia we all have in our brains. For example, Greg knew the name of the old lady from the Wendy's "Where's the beef commercial." And believe if or not, I answered several sports questions correctly. In the end, Michele and I won the game (feel free to hum Queen's We Are the Champions in your head now). This is an even more stunning win because Michele would come in and out of sleep and just blurt out the correct answer from time to time for our team. She's like some sort of sleeping-trivia-game savant.
I just want to thank everyone for such a great time. And props to Ryan for an excellent dessert. I can't say it often enough. A group of great friends is wonderful. But to be honest they're more than friends. They are my family. And I love you all.
and I for one am very honored to have you both as part of my family.
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